Friends Meeting for Worship is a gathering of worshipers who sit quietly together, each seeking a sense of the Divine presence and guidance. The reverent silence affords the opportunity for each to quiet the turmoil of thoughts and to center on the search for truth. Group silence enhances each individual’s awareness of being in a company united in a common search and a shared willingness to be obedient to Divine guidance.
We look forward to seeing you and your family this weekend.
Sunday Mornings: 10:00 AM
Many Friends offer pastoral care within the meeting community and the Pastoral Care Committee serves as a hub for these efforts. It reaches out to members and attenders dealing with sickness/surgery, loss, old age, or various other stresses.
Through special meetings for worship with individual Friends who are unable to travel, Pastoral Care provides opportunities for worship with shut-ins, their families and friends. The committee sponsors monthly Listening Sessions for members and attendees, and in general, tries to be aware of the concerns of all members and attenders. When appropriate it sends cards, flowers and books as gifts from the Meeting. It arranges celebrations of Friends’ special birthdays.
Midcoast Meeting is active in peace and social concerns, questions of health and aging, community services, and environmental issues. Periodic programs, discussion groups, and forums are organized to explore topics of interest.
77 Belvedere Rd
P.O. Box 714
Damariscotta, ME 04543
All Rights Reserved |Midcoast Meeting of Friends